Top questions
Signing up
How old do I have to be to join?
The minimum age to join Muddy Matches is 18 years old. Nobody below that age is permitted to join the site. There is no upper age limit.
How do I confirm my registration
Just click the green 'Confirm My Registration' button in the activation email you were sent when you first signed up. If you haven't received the email, chances are that it's got stuck in your Spam folder, so take a look in there.
Why do I need to confirm my registration?
Confirming your registration verifies your email address. With a verified email address you'll be able to receive updates about who has viewed your profile, sent you messages or favourited you.
I signed up with the wrong details
You can change your display name, date of birth, gender/seeking and location in the My Profile page.
If you'd like to change the email address you have registered with us or your password, you can do this in the My Account page.
My email address has already been used
Login and forgotten details
I forgot my password
If you've forgotten your password, return to the muddymatches.co.uk homepage and click 'Sign In' followed by 'Forgotten your password' and follow the password reset instructions.
I want to change my email and password details
Go to the My Account page, select 'Update My Personal Details' and edit your email and password in the space provided.
Please note that if you registered via Facebook you don't have a Muddy Matches password - your login is securely verified by your Facebook account.
Somebody else has used my account
If your account has been accessed without your permission, please take action immediately.
Also change the password on your personal email account to prevent further security breaches.
How do I create a profile?
Creating your profile is easy and takes just a couple of minutes. We only ask for a few details to start with and that creates a basic profile for you. Then it's up to you to make your profile unique and stand out from the crowd by adding extra photos and information about yourself and your interests. We find that the more complete profiles are the ones that get the most attention (views, winks, favourites and messages) so it's worth taking the time to fill in the blanks with a bit more info.
Any updates or changes to your profile are reviewed by our Customer Care team and are usually published on the site within 24 hours. Please allow a little more time during weekends and busy periods.
How are profiles verified?
Our in-house Customer Care team moderates every profile and checks every photo before they are published to ensure only genuine people are active on Muddy Matches. We advise our members to get to know each other and establish trust before exchanging personal contact details. Our on-site messaging system allows for secure communication and your personal information will never be shared by us.
If you are concerned by another user's behaviour, you can always click the 'Report' link in their profile page or in a message you've been sent and our Customer Care team will investigate further. Alternatively, email our Customer Care team at: customercare@muddymatches.co.uk.
How do I hide my profile?
If you want to take a break from online dating but don't want to permanently delete your account and information, hiding your profile is the simplest option. Navigate to My Account > Change My Profile Visibility and select the 'Hidden' option.
How do you match members when I sign in?
When you sign in to Muddy Matches the site will automatically run a search for people you might be interested in based on the information you've already provided to us, such as age, gender, what you're seeking and location. You can change these settings in My Account > My Search Preferences.
How do I run my own search?
If you're looking for a specific quality, shared interest or physical characteristic, you can run a New Search that allows you to delve a little deeper and find someone more closely matched to you.
A New Search allows you to specify the physical appearance, background, lifestyle, interests and other characteristics of potential matches. You can make tweaks or wholesale changes to your criteria using the 'Refine This Search' option.
Why do I see fewer people in a New Search?
If you run a New Search it acts as a filter that eliminates anyone who doesn't fit your exact requirements, so fewer people are likely to be found. We've heard lots of success stories from members who've looked slightly outside of their idealised set of criteria and found people with qualities they weren't looking for (but were glad to have found). So it's worth keeping an open mind and keeping your search criteria quite loose.
What happens when I save a search?
If you regularly run searches using the same criteria (age range, location etc), you can save that search criteria, label it and use it again in future to save time.
Label and save your search by clicking the menu icon in the top navigation bar (mobile) or in the right-hand column of the page (desktop) once you've run the search you'd like to save.
Your saved search will be available the next time you hit the Search page.
How can I hide a profile in search?
If you keep seeing the same person in your search results and they're not your cuppa, just hit the 'Block' icon at the bottom of their profile page and it'll be like they never existed!
How can I find a member that has viewed my profile?
You can see who's viewed your profile by clicking on Visits (top menu on desktop/tablet, or side menu on mobile). Click on the member you're interested in and you'll be whisked off to their profile page.
- I've received a message - why can't I open it?
- Are the messages I send on Muddy Matches anonymous?
- I haven't had a reply to my message
- Can I retrieve a message after it's been deleted?
- I need to report an inappropriate message
- How do I block someone I don't want to hear from?
- Should I give my personal contact details to other members?
I've received a message - why can't I open it?
You must be a paying Subscriber to send, read and respond to messages. See our Subscription options for more details
Are the messages I send on Muddy Matches anonymous?
The on-site messaging system is secure and anonymous, so none of your private contact details are ever shared with other members on Muddy Matches. All messages from other members to you will come into your Muddy Matches messages and not to your private email.
I haven't had a reply to my message
Don't worry. Not everyone checks their messages daily - they could be away on holiday, busy at work or taking a break from online dating. Be patient and if they're interested they'll message you back. Avoid double-messaging (sending a second message before your first message has been acknowledged) or risk coming across as a bit desperate and needy.
Can I retrieve a message after it's been deleted?
Once a message is deleted there is no way to retrieve it. We do allow members to keep messages for as long as they like, so there's no need to delete a message unless you're absolutely sure you won't want to read it again in the future.
I need to report an inappropriate message
No problem. Click the 'Report' link in the message you've received to alert our Customer Care team to the problem. Alternatively, email our Customer Care team at: customercare@muddymatches.co.uk.
How do I block someone I don't want to hear from?
You can either click on 'Block sender' in a message you've received or 'Block this person' at the bottom of their profile page. The other person will no longer be able to view or contact you.
Should I give my personal contact details to other members?
You wouldn't give a complete stranger your full name, email address, phone number, place of work and financial position, and neither should you online. The great thing about online dating is that it allows you to move at a pace that you're comfortable with, so only once you've established trust with the other person should you share personal information.
Winks and Favourites
How can I Wink at someone?
When you view someone's profile, just click on the 'Wink' button below the photo. The button will change colour when the wink is sent.
What are Winks used for?
Winks are an easy one-click flirt that you can send for free to another Muddy Matches member to let them know you're interested in them. No words are required! If you receive a wink, then wink back to let them know if you're interested, and don't if you don't. It's that simple.
Can I delete a Wink once it's been sent?
You can't undo a wink. Once winked at the winker can't stop the winkee from receiving the wink. That's the power of the wink. Respect the wink people.
How can I add someone to my Favourites?
Just click on the 'Favourite' button beneath the photo when you view someone's profile.
What are Favourites used for?
The 'Favourites' button essentially bookmarks the other person's profile so that you can find them again quickly in your Favourites folder the next time you login without having to run a search. It's also a way of letting the other person know that you're interested in them.
Can I delete someone from Favourites?
You sure can. To un-Favourite someone, navigate to My Favourites > People I Like and click on 'Remove from favourites'.
Why has someone disappeared from My Favourites?
If you Favourite someone and subsequently block them, their profile will be removed from your My Favourites. Members will also disappear from your My Favourites if they have chosen to cancel their membership with the site.
Why should I add photos?
Because profiles with photos get about a million times more views, favourites and messages than profiles without photos. Put simply, if you're even slightly interested in finding someone online, then you'll need a Main Photo at very least.
What's the difference between a Main Photo and an Additional Photo?
Your Main Photo is the one that appears in search results and is the largest photo on your profile page, so it needs to be the best possible photo of you to encourage interest from other members.
Additional Photos allow you to personalise your profile page by showing off what you do in your spare time; whether it's long country walks, eating out at fancy restaurants, spending time in the pub, or just hanging out with friends and family.
Check out Photo Guidelines for more information.
Are there any photo guidelines?
Yes. Our photo guidelines are as follows:
Main Photo:
Additional Photos:
How do I upload a photo?
It's really easy. Go to My Profile and click on 'Add Photos'. Select a photo from your device library (or select a folder on desktop) and click 'Open' to upload your picture. Your photo will be reviewed by our Customer Care team and published within 24 hours.
When will my photo appear?
All photos, even the inoffensive ones of you staring blankly into space doing basically nothing, are reviewed by our Customer Care team to maintain the high standards of the site. Your photo will be online within 24 hours. Please allow a little more time over weekends and busy periods.
How many photos can I upload?
You can upload up to 9 photos in total: 1 Main Photo that appears in search results and is the big pic on your profile page and 8 Additional Photos of you doing whatever you do in your spare time for fun.
Why has my photo been rejected?
If your photo has been rejected you'll receive an email from Muddy Matches with a brief explanation telling you why. Check our Photo Guidelines for more help on photo content and restrictions.
Subscriptions and payment
- What features can I use free of charge?
- What are the benefits of a Subscription?
- How much does it cost to Subscribe?
- What payment methods do you accept?
- Why has my payment been refused?
- My payment card has expired, how can I update my card details?
- What happens at the end of my subscription term?
- How do I cancel my automatic renewal?
- How do I use my discount code?
- What are the benefits of a Premium subscription?
- What is your refund policy?
What features can I use free of charge?
It's free to join Muddy Matches and take a look around the site. As a free member you can create your own profile, upload your photos, carry out unlimited searches, browse other members' profiles and add other members to your favourites. The free features give you a flavour of the site but only Subscribers get the full experience - including the ability to message other members. You can subscribe to the site by clicking the 'Subscribe' button on any page or in the side menu on mobile devices.
What are the benefits of a Subscription?
You can purchase either a 1, 3, 6 or 12 month subscription to Muddy Matches. A subscription unlocks the ability to communicate with other members via our secure private messenger. Without a subscription you aren't able to send and read messages. To view our subscription plans, just click the Subscribe button on any page or in the side menu on mobile devices.
How much does it cost to Subscribe?
We offer four different subscription packages: 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. The longer you subscribe for, the more money you'll save in the long run.
Choose the right package for you by clicking the Subscribe button on any page or in the side menu on mobile devices.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Solo and Delta payment cards.
Once your payment has been accepted, your subscription will start immediately and will automatically renew at the end of your term on a rolling monthly basis at the standard monthly rate. You can see when your next payment is due in the My Account page.
Why has my payment been refused?
The most common reasons for payments being decline are:
You can pay for your subscription using either Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Solo or Delta payment cards. If your payment using one of these cards is rejected, please try a different payment card or alternatively contact your bank.
If you continue to experience problems completing your payment, please contact our Customer Care team at: customercare@muddymatches.co.uk.
My payment card has expired, how can I update my card details?
Just go to My Account > Manage My Subscription > Update Card Details and input your new payment information.
What happens at the end of my subscription term?
To ensure there's no interruption in your enjoyment of the site, your subscription is automatically extended on a rolling monthly basis at the standard monthly rate of £26.00 p/m. An additional charge of £9.99 p/m is applicable if a Premium subscription is selected. You can cancel this at any time by following the steps in the My Account > Manage My Subscription page. Please allow 24hrs after subscribing before adjusting your subscription settings. Cancelation of automatic renewal must be made 48hrs before a renewal payment is due.
How do I cancel my automatic renewal?
You can cancel your automatic renewal at any time by following the steps in the My Account > Manage My Subscription page. Please allow 24hrs after subscribing before adjusting your subscription settings. Cancelation of automatic renewal must be made 48hrs before a renewal payment is due.
If you cancel the automatic renewal you can continue using the subscriber functions of the site for the remaining duration of your subscription term. Once your subscription term has ended you will revert to being a Free Member, with no access to the messaging functionality on the site.
How do I use my discount code?
From time to time Muddy Matches may have a promotional offer with a discount available on subscriptions. To redeem the offer, members must input their discount code in the box provided on the Subscribe page of the site and click 'Apply'. The prices will adjust to reflect the discount offer.
What are the benefits of a Premium subscription?
If you have a Premium subscription it allows other members to read and reply to any messages you send to them for FREE. They don't have to be a subscriber to respond to your messages, so it greatly increases the amount of responses you get.
What is your refund policy?
We offer a 14-day cooling off period on first subscription purchases. To claim a refund, you must contact our Customer Care team within this period. No refunds are issued after the 14-day cooling off period. Please note:
We do not offer refunds on subscription renewals. If you do not wish to continue using the site beyond your initial subscription term, we advise that you turn off the 'automatic renewal' in your My Account > Manage My Subscription page.
No refunds are offered on Premium Upgrades.
Acceptable behaviour policy
What is considered unacceptable behaviour?
Your security and enjoyment of Muddy Matches is our number one priority, which means any behaviour that could cause offence to other members is not tolerated. Our guidelines as to what is considered 'unacceptable behaviour' are:
Any behaviour that contravenes the Muddy Matches acceptable behaviour policy could result in the account being cancelled and any subscription forfeit.
How do I report unacceptable behaviour?
You can report a member to our Customer Care team by clicking on the 'Report' link that appears on any messages you receive and at the bottom of each member profile.
Account settings
- How can I change my display name?
- How can I change my email address and/or password?
- I entered my date of birth incorrectly. How can I change it?
- I selected the wrong gender/seeking option. How can I change it?
- I've moved house. How can I change my location?
- I receive too many emails from you. How can I reduce the amount I get?
- How do I change my profile visibility?
- How do I delete my account completely?
How can I change my display name?
Click on your name in My Profile to edit your display name. Display names must be your first name or a common abbreviation of it - i.e. David to Dave.
How can I change my email address and/or password?
Keep your email up to date or change your password in the My Account > Update My Personal Details page.
I entered my date of birth incorrectly. How can I change it?
Okay Benjamin Button. You can roll back the years by clicking on your name in the My Profile page.
I selected the wrong gender/seeking option. How can I change it?
Uh oh. That's not something you want to get wrong. Go to My Account > My Search Preferences to change those options.
I've moved house. How can I change my location?
Hey, well done high-flyer! Click on your current location in your My Profile page to amend your town/region.
I receive too many emails from you. How can I reduce the amount I get?
Ah, the burden of being popular. You can amend the type of emails you receive from Muddy Matches in the My Account > Communication Settings page.
How do I change my profile visibility?
If you fancy taking a break from dating or want to go incognito for a while, go to My Account > Change My Profile Visibility and select the 'Hidden' option.
How do I delete my account completely?
Are you sure? Go to My Account > Delete my account. All your personal information and settings will be deleted in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
I have a different question. How can I get in contact?
Huh. We thought we'd covered everything? No problem, just click here to send us a message.