Valentines Day Excitement
Friday, February 15th, 2008
Goodness, it’s been all go here at Muddy Matches over the last couple of days. Our Valentine’s offer seemed to go down really well and thousands of you flocked to the site to freshen up your profiles and send messages for free. Here are a few of the hot topics over these last two days:
Potential Scams and Spam Mail
Best to get the serious stuff out the way first. It seems that a few of the ‘nasties’ (as we call them) crawled out to take advantage of the free subscription offer and, having become concerned about how genuine the following users’ profiles were or the number of messages they were sending, we had to cancel the membership of:
Evelyn – 4346505
Marco – 4713841
Frederick – 4740144
Lisa – 4647085
If they had added you as a favourite or sent you messages, this will explain why all correspondence just disappeared – sorry for any confusion caused. More importantly, some of them gave out personal email addresses; if you have already written to them, please delete their messages and make no further contact.
We try really hard to make sure that only genuine country-minded people use Muddy Matches and have taken further steps over the last couple of days to try and stamp out this kind of behaviour. You can help too by getting in contact with us if you are even the tinciest bit concerned that a person does not seem genuine or that they might have ulterior motives. It’s easy – just click on the ‘Report a Concern’ icon at the bottom of their profile or message and tell us what’s worrying you (they’ll never know but we can keep an eye on them).
Online Safety
Another serious subject but we noticed that people are very quick to give out their phone numbers and work emails in messages to people they don’t know. Obviously you wanted to make the most of the free subscription but we beg you to be careful; if you must give out contact details so quickly, why not use a free email account such as Hotmail, Googlemail or Yahoo?
For more online safety advice, click here.
The Alan Titchmarsh Show
You might remember we posted a story in Muddy Matters news about a researcher from the Alan Titchmarsh Show getting in touch to see if we knew anyone who would take part in a dating feature on the 13th. Well, one of our members – the lovely Emma – stepped forward to say she’d do it and we watched in excitement to see how it went. The aim of the feature was to set up Charles, a single farmer from Cambridgeshire , with three girls and see who he hit it off with best so he could take them out that evening. Emma was the first to go – looking absolutely stunning, we might add – and the man obviously had taste as he picked her at the end – go team Muddy Matches!

To our amusement and delight, sex and dating expert Tracey Cox also stood there on national television telling Charles and Alan/the world about Muddy Matches and how it is a great place to meet country-minded people. While Alan was there pretending to scribble down the details, we were trying to pick our jaws up off the floor – we were not expecting that! Needless to say, quite a few people have since joined so look out for some new faces on the site.
To watch the show, click here to visit Alan’s page on the ITV site and then under ‘Watch Full Catch Up’, choose the show from the 13th February (we’ll also try to post it on our site soon too).
If you fancy getting your mug on TV, The Alan Titchmarsh Show are also looking for more people to take part in a makeover feature on next Tuesday’s show (19th Feb). They need a lady in her 20s or 50s and a man aged 35-40. They must come from a rural background and feel that they’re in need of a bit of a makeover. We’re sure none of you need it, but if you do fancy getting a new look, get in touch with
Success Stories
After just under a year in business, we know that hundreds of you have met your other halves on Muddy Matches and we just love it when you write to tell us how it’s going. Yesterday we got an email that really made us smile. Here’s a snippet:
“Just a really big thank you really. I have met the man of my dreams. In a strange twist of fate he lived in the same village as me and we have fancied each other for ages. Just not knowing if the other person felt the same or was single. We have now hooked up together following chatting on your website. We are indeed now planning our future together and everything is rosey. I have at last got my stinky muddy cow farmer and he has found his stinky horse rider. Just a little note to say thanks. Oh and Happy Valentines Day.”
Isn’t it funny how life works!
If you have any stories to tell us, or even managed to bag yourself a date using our Valentine’s free subscription, please get in touch with us at