Vote for Your Favourite Farming Charity

Friday, October 31st, 2014
R.A.B.I logo, FCN logo and FACE logo sandwiched together with red backround

We are running a charity messaging event and we need your help to choose the winning charity!

We have selected three charitable organisations, which support the farming community, to be put forward to the public vote between 1st November and 30th November 2014.

The chosen one will go on to receive 10p per message that is sent between members on the Muddy Matches website for a whole week between 8th and 14th December 2014.

The Charities

The shortlisted charities are:

R.A.B.I (The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution)A grant-making charity that provides confidential help to retired and working farming people in financial difficulty.

FACE (Farming and Countryside Education) – Inspiring children to learn more about food, farming and the countryside. Creating teaching resources for the indoor and outdoor classroom.

FCN (The Farming Community Network) – A UK network of volunteers from the farming community and rural churches. FCN provides a Helpline and a visiting service to farming people and families who are facing difficulties.

How to Vote

To vote for your favourite charity, head to and click on the ‘Vote’ button below your chosen charity.

It’s free to vote and you do not need to be a member of to take part.

Voting will run for a month between 1st November and 30th November 2014.