Muddy Matches Articles

First there was Morven...then there was Jeffrey... ...and now we have chicks. Sadly the chicks' parents were all munched by the fox but there were 7 eggs left.

Muddy Matches at Cereals
We had a great day at Cereals yesterday and it was fab to see so many of our members, past and present. Thanks to so many of you who reminded us what a useful service we provide to single farmers - glad to see so many of you in happy couples now and telling all your friends about it!

Round the Island Race – SOLD OUT!
Round the Island Race Sailing Trip (Fri 24th - Sun 26th June 2011) Places in our team for the Round the Island Race at the end of June have now sold.

Mud Lovers Ball – Photos and Feedback
Thanks to everyone who came to the Mud Lovers Ball on Saturday - it was fab to see so many of you getting in the party spirit! We'll post a couple of.

“Art in a Box” – Bringing Art Into the Countryside
Our friends at the RABI have come up with great new fundraising idea that also focuses on bringing art into the countryside.
As RABI Regional Officer Milly Wastie explains, “the idea of ‘Art in the Box’ is to encourage farmers to clear out any spare loose boxes or stables they may have and turn them into miniature art galleries to host their own art exhibitions. It would be absolutely wonderful if farmers up and down the country get behind Art in the Box, it is a very straight forward event to organise, and one that could be hugely effective in raising much needed funds. Not only will ‘Art in the Box’ bring art into the countryside but it would also encourage people from towns and cities to venture into the country too.”

Photo Call – Royal Wedding Fever
Country Online Dating Service Celebrates the Royal Wedding by highlighting their favourite Wills and Kates.

Photo Call – St George’s Day
Rural singles called George on our rural internet dating site.

About the Mud Lovers Ball
The Mud Lovers Ball came about when Muddy Matches co-founders Lucy & Emma decided they were tired of going to parties and balls where you only end up.

Know any good country pubs in your area?
We are in the process of putting together some more muddy social events for 2011 and are currently looking for a selection of good country pubs across the UK.

A Poem from One of Our Members
We thought we'd share this poem with you that Julie sent us: We turn to Muddy Matches To make our dreams come true Trawl through a hundred profiles Clicking.

Free Subscription for Valentines Day!
Happy days - everyone can send messages for free in the run-up to Valentine's Day! Seriously? Not a word of a lie – on the 12th February we'll be giving away.