Rural Dating Articles

Back in April we launched a competition to replace some of our How Muddy Are You? quiz questions with ones suggested by our members. We had lots of brilliant.

Share Your First Date…
Are you looking for love? Would you like to be on primetime TV? If so, Channel 4's new series Date Night is in search of real people who are serious about.

Muddy Matches Wins Small Business Competition
We are delighted to announce that Theo Paphitis of Dragon’s Den fame has selected Muddy Matches as one of the winners of his prestigious Small Business.

Introducing the New Android App!
Back in November we launched our iPhone app and we’re now pleased to announce the launch of our Android App. What does the app do? The app is a user-friendly.

Muddy Matches to Guest Host AgriChatUK Discussion
On the 28th February Muddy Matches will be one of the guest hosts for the #AgrichatUK discussion on Twitter about ‘love & relationships in farming’..

Record Number of New Members
There has never been a better time to join Muddy Matches – with more members on the site than ever before. January saw a huge spike in members, with.

Christmas Opening Times
We'd like to wish you a very Merry Christmas from the Muddy Matches team! Everything will be up and running as usual during the festive season, except for.

Photo Call – Puppy Mania at Muddy Matches
We thought we would take this opportunity to share some of our favourite puppy pictures from our rural dating site Muddy Matches.

“Art in a Box” – Bringing Art Into the Countryside
Our friends at the RABI have come up with great new fundraising idea that also focuses on bringing art into the countryside.
As RABI Regional Officer Milly Wastie explains, “the idea of ‘Art in the Box’ is to encourage farmers to clear out any spare loose boxes or stables they may have and turn them into miniature art galleries to host their own art exhibitions. It would be absolutely wonderful if farmers up and down the country get behind Art in the Box, it is a very straight forward event to organise, and one that could be hugely effective in raising much needed funds. Not only will ‘Art in the Box’ bring art into the countryside but it would also encourage people from towns and cities to venture into the country too.”

Photo Call – St George’s Day
Rural singles called George on our rural internet dating site.

A Poem from One of Our Members
We thought we'd share this poem with you that Julie sent us: We turn to Muddy Matches To make our dreams come true Trawl through a hundred profiles Clicking.