Prima magazine presented a guide to online dating and listed Muddy Matches as one of the top five dating sites to flirt with. Describing Muddy Matches, they.
Sustainable British marketplace Blue Patch, featured Muddy Matches as an example of an ethical British dating website. They said: If you are still looking for.
A couple who found love on countryside dating website Muddy Matches spoke to John Craven about how their paths had crossed a dozen times in a year before.
Online Dating Help wrote a summary of all the award winners at the UK Dating Awards. ODH founder Aet Suvari wrote: We love Muddy Matches. There’s just.
Muddy Matches was selected as one of the top 10 dating websites by Free Worldwide Classified. They said that the site was great for country friends. Click to. Editor-in-chief Hayley Matthews picked the Muddy Matches dating blog as her favourite British niche dating blog. Hayley said: If you’re a.
The Telegraph revealed that John Lewis sensation Monty The Penguin is following Muddy Matches on Twitter in the search for love online. Click through to see.
The Telegraph featured the Muddy Matches entry for the SME of the year award. Asked about her must rewarding moment as co-founder of Muddy Matches, Lucy Reeves.