Top 10 Likes on Muddy Matches
Friday, April 05th, 2013

We’ve covered the top 10 dislikes on Muddy Matches, so it only seems fair to cover the top 10 likes as seen on our members’ profiles.
1. Being outdoors – As you’d expect from a countryside dating site, the most popular like is being outside. So if you’re looking to impress a fellow Muddy Matches member, you can’t go far wrong by suggesting an outdoor date.
2. A bottle of wine and a DVD – It’s not unique to Muddy Matches, but one of the most popular likes on dating sites in general is ‘relaxing with a DVD and a bottle of wine’. If you’re looking for the perfect bottle of wine or DVD to impress your date, take a look at our blog post.
3. Country pubs –For a rainy day date or snowy date (well it is April after all) a country pub is a fantastic place to meet and it features as a favourite in a high percentage of members’ profiles.
4. Log-fires – Not just for keeping out the cold, log-fires are linked to romance. Put some fragrant logs on the fire and make up some hot chocolate to please your date on a cold night.
4. Pets – Again, it’s not surprising to hear that pets rank very highly on the list of people’s likes.
5. Home cooked meals – They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and this is especially true of farmers in our experience. Being able to knock up a tasty meal is a quality that both men and women appreciate.
6. Cakes – While we’re on the subject of cooking, cake is the most popular food listed in people’s profiles. Whether you like cooking for your loved ones or if you just like to appreciate a good home-made cake you’ll find your match.
7. Radio 4 – The home of The Archers and I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue is a popular choice of radio station when it comes to relaxing with a cup of tea.
8. Tractors – Both men and women on the site appreciate a good tractor and we see lots of photos of the prized possessions.
9. Country shows – We’ve got our fingers and toes crossed in hope that all of the country shows go ahead this year and it seems that our members share our passion.
10. Long walks – Whether you call it hiking, trekking, romping or rambling; if you’re a fan of a long walk, you’re bound to find someone else who shares your love of a good long walk.