Don’t Give Up!
Friday, August 16th, 2013

You’d be surprised how many people cancel their membership after failing to meet someone straight away. In fact we’ve had people cancel within 24 hours saying that they are terminating their account as nobody has got in contact with them.
Some people do meet their dream partner within a day of joining the website, but for most it can take time and effort to find your perfect date. Here are a few things to try to keep you on track:
Keep looking
If you haven’t found anyone who you would like to be in contact with just yet, the key is to keep your profile active and to keep looking for people, as thousands of new people register with Muddy Matches each week.
Get organised
Once you have established what you want you can save a search, which will make it quicker to look at your new matches each time. It’s also a good idea to take a look at the ‘newest members’ tab to see who has joined recently.
Try something new
If you have been on an online dating site for a while, it is a good idea to make changes to your profile text or to your profile photos. You may find that by simply changing the first line of your profile, you will catch the eye of someone who may have overlooked you in the past.
If you don’t currently have a photo, add one, add one now! Adding a photo will mean that you will appear higher in people’s searches than those who don’t have a photo. People also like to see who they are talking to and whether they are physically attracted to you.
Express your interests
Another way to get noticed is to tick the boxes that are available when you fill in your profile. The more you reveal, the more likely you are to appear when people make a search. Just don’t tick things because you think it’s something that other people might find interesting. For example it’s not a good idea to say that you speak Italian when the most you can say is ciao bella, as you’ll soon get found out.
Whatever you do make sure you don’t give up without having tried your best to make the most of internet dating.