How to Meet People Who Share Your Interests
Friday, January 03rd, 2014

If you’re looking to meet single farmers, equestrian singles, pet lovers, or outdoorsy people then Muddy Matches is the best place to start, however there are other methods that you may wish to try out as well to help you to meet other single people and to expand your social circle.
How to meet farmers
Farmers are known to be very hard working, but if you’re looking to meet a farmer outside of work, a good bet is to join your local Young Farmers Club. Check out the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs website to find your local club and details of national events like the annual YFC convention, which is packed full of opportunities to meet new people. For those based in Ireland, you could join Macra na Feirme to meet other people who are interested in farming.
Another option is to head to agricultural shows and if you’re brave, strike up conversation with potentially eligible individuals. At this time of year our country calendar is a little short of agricultural shows, but as spring approaches, the events will start up again.
How to meet equestrians
The one type of event that is abundant during the winter months in our country calendar is the point-to-point, and they are a fantastic way to meet fellow horse lovers.
Another way to meet equestrians is to head to your local yard and help out or, if you’re an experienced rider, you could meet fellow equestrians by taking part in competitions.
How to meet pet lovers
If you love dogs, have a dog and want to meet someone who loves them too, then the most logical way of going about it is to take your dog out for long walks and talk to fellow dog owners. After all, a bit of small-talk is a good way to pass the time when your dogs are introducing themselves to each other in their own way.
You might also wish to join a dog walking group to meet other dog owners. Some clubs even welcome people who don’t have dogs of their own.
Volunteering at your local rescue centre is a good way to meet other people who care about helping animals as much as you do. You may wish to help a centre that helps lots of different types of animals or one that specialises in a specific animal or breed of animal.
How to meet outdoorsy people
The best way to meet outdoorsy people is to join a club which fits your interest; for example, if you enjoy walking, you could join a walking group or if you’re a cyclist you may wish to join a cycling group. A simple search online will bring up local clubs, and don’t worry you don’t have to be pro to join a group.
You can also find singles holidays which are targeted at outdoorsy people or you could try a volunteering holiday.