How to Write an Opening Message
Tuesday, December 02nd, 2014

From 8th-14th of December 2014 we will be giving 10p per message that is sent on Muddy Matches to R.A.B.I., which will hopefully encourage people to be brave and to send a message to people that they may not have contacted without the incentive. Just make sure that you don’t entitle your message “I’m doing this for charity” as it might cause offence!
So, if you’d like to help R.A.B.I. and hopefully find yourself a muddy match, here is what you need to know…
You need to subscribe first
Our prices start from as little as £7.50 a month and allow you to get in contact with anyone on the website.
Be brave
There’s no point in worrying about whether someone will reply or not, as the old saying goes “nothing ventured, nothing gained”. It’s better to send a message that someone might not reply to, than it is to be left wondering “what if I’d sent them a message?”
Keep it personal
Although “I’ve sent you a message as I think that you’re attractive” is 100% better than sending nothing at all, it’s better to personalise your message to show that you’re not sending the same thing to hundreds of people.
If the person has asked a Blind Date style question in their profile, you’ve got an easy place to start – just answer the question and perhaps ask one back.
If they haven’t asked a question, your best bet is to make a comment about something that they have said. For example, you could comment about the hobbies or interests that you share.
Ask them a question
If someone says that they have just moved to an area, ask where they lived before. If they say that they are a keen traveller, ask what their favourite destination was or where they are keen to go in the future.
Keep it short and sweet
An ideal first message should be only a few lines long, so as to encourage further correspondence.
Don’t give out your contact details straight away
Sending someone your phone number and asking them to give you a call isn’t a great way to start corresponding with them. Using the online messaging service on Muddy Matches will protect your contact details and the contact details of the person who you are talking to.
Be patient
Don’t expect a message back straight away – some people do reply straight away, while others can take quite a while. Try not to bombard anyone with messages.
We look forward to receiving your success story!