If you've just started a relationship and aren't sure whether the person is right for you, there are two options; wait and see or cut your losses. Here are a.
Muddy Matches is an online dating website for country-minded people, but also have a Muddy Matches app and a mobile-friendly website, to allow people to access.
Recently we have heard from a few members who have met their other half thanks to our Premium Subscription, so we thought it would be a good idea to explain.
When it comes to meeting up with someone for your first date, it is conventional to swap contact details in advance. When exchanging details, think about how.
It may be tempting to dismiss someone due to their location, but sometimes the right person may not live round the corner, or even in the same county as you!.
When it comes to sending messages to people, it should be based on how you feel rather than a set of rules. However, here are a few guidelines if you’re not.
Lies on dating sites aren’t as common as you may have been led to believe, however it’s important to be able to spot lies, and to avoid lying on your own.
I'm too old for all this online dating malarkey... is something we hear quite a lot and each time we say that it simply isn't true - there's no upper age.
Your personal details aren't shared - Even though we ask for your full name, email address and postcode when you sign up to Muddy Matches, we will not reveal.
When it comes to online dating, one of the most important decisions you can make is whether to use a free dating website or a paid-for dating website. Her are.