Dating Articles

Using some clever computer jiggery Pokery, we scanned through all of the live dating profiles on Muddy Matches to find out what the most frequently mentioned.

What Your Profile Photos Say About You
Your Main Photo is the first thing that people will see when they see you online and it should be a good, clear photo of your head and shoulders. You also have.

Traditional Dinner Date Menu
On a first date you should meet in a busy public place, but when you get to know each other a bit better, a dinner date can be a great way to impress your.

How do I Choose a Dating Website?
With well over 1000 dating websites in the UK alone, it's Dating website vs matchmakers Dating websites are online services work by asking members to write a.

National Stalking Awareness Week 2016
During National Stalking Awareness Week 2016, the Suzy Lamplugh Trust is highlighting the issue of online stalking. At Muddy Matches we take personal safety.

5 Reasons You’re Not Finding Love
You are stuck in a routine It's easy to get stuck into a routine of going to the same places at the same times and meeting the same people all the time. If.

Kissing on a First Date
Is it acceptable to kiss on a first date? Well, yes, but it depends on a number of different things... Where and when did you choose to meet? If you've met in.

Why haven’t My messages been read?
Sending someone a message is the single most important thing that you can do on a dating website. It shows that person that you are interested in them and is.

Break the Dating Barriers
Age You might think that you are too old or too young to date, but as long as you are over 18 you are the right age. We have members from 18 to 80 plus and.

Should You Speak on the Phone First?
Whether you speak on the phone to someone before you go on a first date is a matter of personal preference; some people find it to be reassuring, while others.

Spring Breaking Badly
Don’t worry, we haven’t become Americanised (note the use of s instead of z), but the hashtag #springbreakingbadly has caught our attention this week. The.