Online Dating Tips Articles

From talking turkey to Christmas jumper selfies, spruce up your Muddy Matches online dating profile with some festive tips we know work.

How to move on to pastures new after dating rejection
5 real dating scenarios that can help you move on to pastures new after the emotional rollercoaster of rejection on, and offline.

Online Dating Message Alternative Openings to ‘Hey’
Hey'. It's the standard conversation opener for text messages, Whatsapp notes, face to face interactions and everything in between. But what sort of.

Five Tips For A More Meaningful Online Dating Conversation
Online dating messaging with MuddyMatches.co.uk can be fun, exciting and intoxicating. But, on the other hand, you might be finding it hard work and we've all.

Six Reasons To Join Muddy Matches Countryside Online Dating Site
When it comes to online dating, how do you choose which dating site to go for? Will you choose one of the quick-fix, swipe right/swipe left sites or fall back.

How To Date When Your Countryside Match Has Kids
Do you want kids? Do you have kids? Are you open to someone who already has children? When you find a countryside match on our niche countryside dating website.

Six Tips For Summer Loving With Muddy Matches
If you've been online dating with MuddyMatches.co.uk for a while but are finding the dating pool of like-minded rural singles a little narrow, then it's time.

Get Yourself Out There – Wonderful Outdoor Swimming Spots
You can't beat swimming outside. Surrounded by nature and wildlife, slipping in to the icy cold waters of a lake, river or outdoor pool is exhilarating,.

Six Tips To Boost Your Online Dating Success With Muddy Matches
How long have you been online dating with Muddy Matches? A week? A month? A year? If you're still waiting to find a muddy match for more than just a roll in.

Eight Ways To Be Remotely Romantic
<p>We're into week six of lockdown, and is it just us or are the days merging into one? Here at Muddy Matches we're fully embracing working from home,.

Muddy Matches Profile Photos – How To Show Who You Really Are
Picture the scene. You've signed on to Muddy Matches and are browsing through our rural singles profiles, looking for your perfect countryside match. Which.