You Are Invited to an Evening of 'Welly Speed Dating'Wolvey Village Hall, Warwickshire - Saturday 11th October 2008Saturday 11th October marks the beginning of.
Our trip to Wiggly Wigglers, a Herefordshire natural gardening company, was a late addition to an already full itinerary but we had heard that its founder,.
Exactly midway through our tour, we spent the day ‘helping’ Christina’s friend’s brother on his mixed farm in Priors Hardwick, Warwickshire. We’re not.
We had a great night at the speed dating evening at Harper Adams. There were around fifty people keen to get involved, ranging from freshers to fourth-year.
Following on with our theme of the lengths to which people will go to stay where they feel they belong, there is no story more inspiring than Charlotte and Ben.
Deep in the heart of Somerset, Land’s End Farm, where Roger Wilkins makes his farmhouse cider, is a bit of a gem and, if you successfully manage to navigate.
We ventured to Exmoor to put on one of our Pub Grub Nights and decided to try the Royal Oak in Winsford as we had heard the food was really good. After a.
The interview we did for the Daily Telegraph seems like light years ago so when we popped up in the paper on April 21st it was quite a shock. Look at us next.