Niche Dating Sites Articles

Keith Rossiter from the Western Morning News explains why online dating is the best way to meet a partner when you live in a rural area. He also mentions Liz,.

Radio Times: “First Dates Series 3”
The new series of First Date is due to start on Friday 6th March 2015. Radio Times has published a review of the show and a clip from the first episode. The.

BBC Radio Northampton: “Online Dating”
Radio presenter Helen Blaby spoke to MM's Heather about why online dating is so popular and what makes a niche countryside dating website so popular. Listen.

The Telegraph: “The Secret Language of Internet Dating”
The Telegraph writer Casilda Grigg writes about what people say and what they really mean when it comes to the language of internet dating. Speaking about text.

London 24: “London’s Weirdest Dating Events and Agencies”
You may be surprised to know that countryside dating website Muddy Matches was dreamed up in a pub in London, well it surprised London 24 journalist Kate.

Mental Floss: “6 Unbelievably Niche Dating Sites”
Muddy Matches was named as Mental Floss writer Jenny Morrill said: Although this site's Google entry advertises it as dating for “single farmers” and.

Countryfile Magazine: “The Hunt for Love in the Countryside”
A couple who found love on countryside dating website Muddy Matches spoke to John Craven about how their paths had crossed a dozen times in a year before.

Latest World Information: “The 20 Most Useful Dating Websites”
Latest World Information mention Muddy Matches in its list of the 20 If you’re partial to the country life – then this rural Online Dating Site for Single.

BBC Radio Northampton
BBC Radio Northampton's Helen Blaby spoke to MM's Heather about why online dating has grown in popularity. Listen on demand from 1hr 55 minutes in..

My Dream Job: “Life as a Social Media & PR Executive”
My Dream Job journalist Megan, spoke to Heather Brown about what it's like to be the social media and PR executive for countryside dating website Muddy.

30 Dates: “The UK Dating Awards 2014 – The Winners!”
30 Dates blogger and UK Dating Awards organiser Charly Lester wrote a summary of the awards. She mentioned how Muddy Matches won the Best Specialist Dating.