The Telegraph talks ‘new rules’ when using online dating sites during COVID-19 pandemic to find a partner to hunker down with when everyone is self-isolating
Metro writer Katie Bailey wrote a tongue-in-cheek guide to the first episode of the new series of 'First Dates'. She made reference to Muddy Matches, by.
The Telegraph writer Casilda Grigg writes about what people say and what they really mean when it comes to the language of internet dating. Speaking about text.
You may be surprised to know that countryside dating website Muddy Matches was dreamed up in a pub in London, well it surprised London 24 journalist Kate.
VICE writer Nell Frizzell writes about what it's like to be gay and live in the countryside. She speaks to people who have experienced 'coming out' in a.
MM's Heather wrote a guest post for the #SBS (Small Business Sunday) website about how you can use the #SBS event to network with lots of small business.
The Farmers Weekly Reporters team discussed the key do's and don'ts of dating farmers and mention that Muddy Matches is a great place to look for single.