How muddy matches restored a dairy farmer’s faith in dating

Wednesday, March 12th, 2025

Live the muddy dating experience of Lancashire dairy farmer, Sophie.

Farming isn’t just a job – it’s a way of life. Early mornings, late nights, and a deep-rooted love for the land mean that finding someone who truly understands that lifestyle can be tricky.

That’s exactly why Sophie, a 26-year-old dairy farmer from Lancashire, turned to Muddy Matches, and she is thankful for what a different approach to dating has done for her confidence and self esteem.

Sophie, who manages a mixed herd of mainly Holsteins and British Freisiens, has since flown the online dating nest to pursue a new connection offline. But she admits that before joining Muddy Matches last summer, she found dating all a bit of struggle.

 “I’d go on dates with people who just didn’t get it. They’d ask why I couldn’t just take a weekend off. It’s hard to do when you’ve got more than 300 cows depending on you.

“I’d get comments like, ‘But when do you have time for fun?’”

That all changed when she signed up for Muddy Matches, where she soon realised her rural life was a strength to be celebrated, not something to be questioned as a barrier.

Sophie discovered a world of like-minded singles and she’s found people who admire and respect what she faces daily. “It’s been a game-changer,” she says.

The biggest shift for Sophie has been feeling appreciated and her increased self-worth; that she isn’t just a dairy farmer from Lancashire.

“It’s made me realize I bring a lot to the table; down-to-earth, hard work, empathy, passion, a strong set of values, dependable, commitment, honesty.

“I’ve matched with people who actually envy my lifestyle. That’s something to be proud of.”

With every conversation and every new mutual match, Sophie’s newfound confidence has grown. “I used to be nervous about putting myself out there, but connecting with people on Muddy Matches has made dating feel natural and exciting again. You never know who you might meet.”

She is now taking time to get to know someone from Muddy Matches, who happened to be one of the first favourites she added to her list.

Her journey is proof that countryside dating is alive and well – and sometimes, all it takes is the right field to find love in!