Hi Muddy Matches, We met on your website 5 years ago him being a sheep farmer an me being a vet nurse, he sent me a very short sweet email an it began from.
I have met the love of my life through your site 18 months ago. We have lived together for the last year and plan to get married. Thanks so very much, I.
Hiya, Myself and Alex met on your site in 2012 and are due to get married in a lovely country setting with a rustic touch the Autumn. So thanks for getting us.
I have met someone through muddy matches. In fact for both of us it was the first and only person we met from the site. Everything is going well.... and I.
We met through Muddy Matches in November 2012 and got married last month. We would never have met had it not been for the site. Huge thanks to you, you are.