Dog Lovers Articles

Norfolk dog lover takes the lead on her love life and finds new romance after divorce.

We couldn’t believe our luck with what we found on Muddy Matches.
Hannah & Adam's bold, brave first steps into online dating quickly lead to a long term muddy match formed on common ground.

Flick & Ben marry after pheasant feeder proposal
My gamekeeping muddy match hid a bottle of champagne and glasses in a pheasant feeder, then proposed when I found it!

Moment of Madness whilst dating bonds Ellie & Julian
It must be love, love, love as a shared moment of ‘Madness’whilst online dating bonds countryside lovers on Muddy Matches.

Sometimes it pays to venture outside your comfort zone.
Taking a different approach to online dating inspires Alex to unearth her muddy Mr Right in double quick time on Muddy Matches.