Online Dating Articles

I got in touch with Lizzy in September 2013. We went on a date a week or so after and despite living a while away from each other have a really good.

I met someone from Muddy Matches…
I met someone from Muddy Matches back in February and have just moved in with him. Laura.

Met a guy on here…
Met a guy on here, if it doesn't work out, I'll happily re-join. Thanks. Tim.

I am now engaged to a lovely young lady…
I am now engaged to a lovely young lady who I met on the website. Thank you. Stephen.

Met someone through the Muddy Matches site
Met someone through the Muddy Matches site Edward.

Things couldn’t be better…
Would like to say a big thank you to Muddy Matches, I met Emma on your site 9 months ago now and things are really good, she is now living with me and things.

So nice to chat to genuine down-to-earth people…
The site isn't like any other site I've found and it was so nice to chat to genuine down-to-earth people (as opposed to those who are just after one thing)..

The relationship is going well…
Met someone on Muddy Matches and the relationship is going well. Jonathan.

Your site is a much needed breath of fresh air…
I fell upon your site by accident and I wanted to give you some feedback....good feedback. I have tried various other sites and have become very jaded with it.

I think your site is great…
I just wanted to let you know that I think your site is great. Ive never attempted the online thing and have always been scared off by horror stories but this.

We would have no hesitation in recommending your site…
I have met a lovely young lady through your website, thank you to you all at Muddy Matches we are so happy. We would have no hesitation in recommending your.