Through your web site I have met a lovely lady who is everything I hope to wish for in a person and together we make each other very happy. Thank you for a.
So I met Darren back in early 2011. We lived 220 miles apart and our first date was a little random - camping on a fruit farm. Suffice to say it was a great.
Dear Muddy Matches, I've been meaning to write to you and let you know I met my gorgeous, amazing boyfriend on your fab site. We have been together for a.
Just thought you’d like to know that3 weeks ago I married the farmer I met 3 years ago on Muddy Matches! He lives 12 miles away from me and we have many of.
Just a quick email to say a massive thank you- I have met my fiancée on your site and getting married on the 18th May. I had honestly given up and thanks to.
I joined muddy to widen my social circle due to moving away from it all. I met some great friends and also the love of my life!!! thanks muddy I am truly once.