We met through your web site and six months later are planning a wedding for next year, we got engaged on the 27th May, one day short of six months.
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Just a quick note to let you know that Cliff and I have now been going out for a year today and living together for 6 months and all's going very well.
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Thought I would just drop you guys a line and say thankyou, I have met a lovely lady and we are making great plans and enjoying life together. Good to know there is always a match out there somewhere and we are not on the scrapheap
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I have met someone through Muddy Matches and we are now moving in together
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Met some very nice on this web site thank you
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Although you maybe one of the smaller dating sites, that was what I liked about you, as the ‘bigger’ sites felt more like meat markets! The slower volume of people actually meant that those who were looking at your profile were suitable.
And because of that I met a very nice gentleman, who has taken me by surprise as he wasn’t in my age range. But his persistence, humour and chivalry have won me over, so I am going to cancel my account!
Thank you to all the team and hope the site goes from strength to strength.
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Met somebody through Muddy Matches and we are getting married....thank you...very happy :)
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Please remove my profile and cancel my membership as I am now happily engaged to someone i've met through Muddy Matches - thank you!
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"Finally remembered that I had to close my account with you...I've been a member since 2008 but had not been able to find that elusive person, partly due to being away 2/3rds of the year.
I started talking to Jane through MM last October, we met up over Christmas and she moved in, in March...I'm not a huge believer in running headlong into things but it is going very well and feels very right, I had almost despaired of meeting that person and was all set to close my MM account and try something different, now I can close it for a very different reason. We've been hunting together, are planning to get out again next season, and hopefully I'm going to get her up on my young eventer(a girl that had only played polo and rides like a cowboy, or rather rode like a cowboy), we're about to head of driving through Europe to Tuscany in three weeks time, once I'm back on leave in the UK again.
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I am now in a very happy relationship (for the past 6 months) with a lovely man I met on muddy matches last year
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Can I please cancel my membership completely so my profile is removed etc? I have met someone through MM and don't want anyone else messaging me. Thanks for you help and keep up the good work!
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I met someone through Muddy and things are looking fantastic! Thank you so much and good luck to everyone else on the site.
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