Rural Dating Articles

met someone very special through your site, do not wish to share details with you, but thanks she is FAB, thanks for your help!

I have found someone through the site…
I would like to cancel my subscription please as I have found someone through the site. Thank you very much.

Have met the man of my dreams…
Have met the man of my dreams on your site!! Thank you Muddy Matches!

I cannot help pinching myself to see if its really true…
Hi just wanted to thankyou for helping me meet a truly delightful muddy match. I met Judy from Exmouth fairly soon after becoming a member and the future is now in our hands and looking good! The ouch is because I find I cannot help pinching myself to see if its really true.

Many thanks for making it possible…
Yes the lady Im seeing was from muddy matches. Many thanks for making it possible.

Your site has changed my life…
Hi, I have found my special lady on your site so would you please cancel my membership. Your site has changed my life and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for that special person. Many thanks

I’m a previous non-believer of “internet dating websites”…
Anyways, signed up (which took a bit of doing - I'm a previous non-believer of "internet dating websites"!!), got chatting to Sarah within a week of signing up and the rest as they say is history - 2 months on, still going strong and getting better every day!!

I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed being on MM and the pleasure it has brought me…
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed being on Muddy Matches and the pleasure it has brought me.