It was indeed a beautiful woman I met from your website. I can honestly say that if you guys had never created the website I would never had met her, as our.
Hi, just to say I have met an amazing chap whom I adore, and without this site we would have never met! Thank you. And to him......... you are my other half,.
Just a few lines to say that finally I have found the right person. We first made contact in November and things have progressed since then. We see each other.
I am e-mailing just to say a big thank you. I met the man of my dreams on your site February 2013. We both have had a wonderful year and we have so much in.
I met Brendan on Muddy Matches back in July and after a month of meeting up we have been inseparable! I couldn't have wanted any more from a relationship!.
I've finally found my Prince Charming! Yay me! After 4 months of messaging and phone calls we met and I fell in love at first sight. We've now been dating.