How Soon Should I…?
Sunday, November 01st, 2015

Dating time-scales can be quiet prescriptive, but it’s important to go with how you feel. Here are some guidelines if you just can’t decide how long you should take to complete each stage of online dating…
How long should I wait to start dating after a break-up?
There’s no set answer to this one, it’s a matter of how you feel. You need long enough to stop thinking about your ex and to get your head around dating again. Be kind to yourself and don’t rush into a new relationship.
How soon should I meet up with someone I’ve met online?
Aim to send about two or three messages before you meet up. You never really know how you will feel about someone until you meet in person. Just make sure to meet in a safe public place until you get to know each other.
If you aren’t compatible when you meet up, you’ll be able to move on and start to look for someone who is more suitable for you.
How long should I wait for before going in for a kiss?
You can go in for a kiss on the cheek as soon as you meet one another, as long as the other person doesn’t look uncomfortable with it.
It is acceptable to kiss on a first date as long as your date is showing signs that they fancy you. Signs include mirroring each other’s body language, touching each other during conversation and keeping good eye contact.
If you’re not sure, you can always ask if your date would like to kiss you.
How long should I wait to arrange another date?
If you got on really well, it’s acceptable to ask at the end of your first date. Otherwise it is a good idea to get in contact within a week to show that you are interested in meeting up again.