Country Dating Sites Articles

9 Autumnal date ideas, ideal for countryside singles, that celebrate the changing seasons

Six First Date Mistakes To Avoid
This is it. The time has come to take your chat offline and meet your MuddyMatches.co.uk countryside connection in the flesh. We get it, first dates are always.

Get Yourself Out There – Eight UK Hill Walks For Summer
With UK National Parks and AONB now re-open for country lovers and outdoorsy-types to rediscover, and UK Staycations looking to be super popular this summer,.

Seven Signs Your Muddy Match Is Really Into You
Don't you love that feeling, when you've been dating for a while and feelings for another rural single start to develop. You start to think about your.

Keeping Your Personal Details Safe When You’re Online Dating
As well as priding ourselves on helping thousands of country lovers meet and find their muddy ever after, here at Muddy Matches we are proud to offer a safe.

Prime Time!
Muddy Matches - the UK's leading country life dating site - enjoys the feel good factor as 1.5 million tune in to Love in the Countryside Series 2

Why Muddy Matches Is A Great Place To Meet Country Singles – The Stats
Here at Muddy Matches we love the country life... plenty of time outside, weekends spent hiking through the open countryside, spending our free time visiting.

Why September Is The Perfect Time To Date
What do you associate with September? Back to school? Back to work? A time for new beginnings? Well, why not channel that new beginnings vibe in to your love.

Eight Benefits Of Dating A Farmer
We all know that farming and agricultural life is hard; long hours, few colleagues, increasing pressure in a time of political uncertainty. It can be hard for.

Are You Sabotaging Your Dating Life?
Do you feel like you've been online dating with Muddy Matches for a while and are having no luck? When you're chatting to other countryside singles but those.

How To Leave A Bad Date
We've all had those dates where you wish you were anywhere but in that room, with that person. Yes, you are in a nightmare date situation. So what do you do?.