Dating During the School Holidays
Friday, August 12th, 2016

If you are a parent of school age children it can be hard to find the time to work, look after the child(ren) and to date. So the school holidays give you even less time to work on finding love as your child(ren) will be around more than usual.
So how do you fit in dating during the school holidays?
Save your searches
Looking through lots of profiles is time-consuming, so you can save yourself hours each week if you save a search. For example you could set it to look for men or women within 20 miles of where you live who are in a particular age bracket.
Remember that Muddy Matches is mobile friendly, so you can access your dating account when you are out and about.
Collaborate with other parents
If you’re keen to meet up with one of your matches, ask if one of your friends can look after your child(ren) for the day, or the evening if you look after their child(ren) on another night.
Organise a coffee date
You don’t have to arrange to spend a long time together on your first date. A short coffee date will give you the opportunity to find out if you get on in person and you can arrange a longer second date if you get on well.
Don’t take your children on a date
If you are struggling to find a babysitter, it might be tempting to take your child(ren) on a date with you, especially if your date also has children who they could bring with them. However, it is unfair on a child who may be upset if you don’t get on with the person and they do, or if they do not like seeing you on a date.
You should only introduce your date to your family when you are sure that you are a couple.