Making a Clean Break
Saturday, January 28th, 2017

If you have been dating someone for a while, but just aren’t sure that you are right for each other, it is time to make a clean break.
Here is our guide to help you to make the process as painless and easy as possible for both of you so that you can both move on and meet other people.
The longer it takes, the more it hurts
If you don’t think think that you are a good match for the person who you are dating, it’s best to break it off early on in the relationship. The more you procrastinate, the more likely it is that they will become attached to you.
Be honest
Two common trends in the world of online dating are known as ‘benching’ and ‘ghosting’. Benching is when someone keeps you as a backup until they find someone better, whereas ghosting is when you stop communicating with someone, without telling them what has happened.
Both of these options may seem like the easy way out, but it makes sense to be honest and to tell your date why you are not interested in continuing things. This will mean that you won’t receive lots of messages asking what is going on and it will allow you to move on an meet someone else who will a better match for you.
Don’t go back
Breaking up with someone and then meeting up again is not a good idea, this will give the other person false hope, which isn’t fair. A quick snog because you miss the intimacy, isn’t worth the pain that it will cause for you both.
Don’t try to be friends straight away
“We should just be friends” is something that people say to cushion the blow. You may become good friends eventually, but when you first split up with one another, there’s the risk that you will fall back into your old routine and the boundaries will start to blur.
When you are ready to move on, online dating is a great way to meet new people.