Country Life Articles

A heart farmhouse breakfast? A sense of adventure? We reveal the No. 1 way to woo a country lover and win their heart.

Brits say animal lovers make the ‘paw’fect match when online dating
New report says 46% of Brits think loving animals, makes a person more desirable and that bodes well for singletons flocking to online date at Muddy Matches country life dating.

Get Yourself Out There – Where To Camp This Summer
In our quest to #GetYourselfOutThere we're sharing the Muddy Matches' teams favourite spots for walking, camping and just enjoying being outside in the fresh.

Getting Over A Breakup In Lockdown
At Muddy Matches we pride ourselves on bringing people who love the countryside together. Whether you're a farmer wanting a wife, a rural single looking for.

Seven Questions To Ask Yourself When You Start Online Dating With Muddy Matches
Since the beginning of lockdown, we've seen a surge in the number of countryside daters hopping online to find love in the countryside. Contrary to what you.

Our Muddy Matches Locked Down Ways To Conquer These Famous Five Challenges
In Muddy Isolation, with our daily outdoor activity limited to essential excursions and just one form of exercise a day, you might feel that any planned.

Keep Your Online Dating Enthusiasm Up!
Today's blog post is for all of you countryside singles out there who have been online dating with Muddy Matches for a while but who still haven't found.

How To Holiday When You Are Single
At Muddy Matches we are firm believers that being single doesn't stop you from having fun. And that applies to holidays too. If you don't have a partner or.

Nine Outdoorsy Summer Date Ideas
Summer is here! And if you're lucky enough to have some time to get out dating then it would be a shame to waste the warmer, lighter evenings. Today's Muddy.

How To Navigate A Wedding When You’re Single
The arrival of summer signifies the arrival of wedding season is almost here. As well as sharing in your friends' and family's joy and happiness for some,.