Love In The Countryside Articles

At Muddy Matches we love helping country people meet and find love. But what happens once our online countryside date has done its job and you've found love.

Six Fun + Fantastic Dates For March
1. Find those snowdrops In February and March we start to see the first signs of spring. All around us, snowdrops are popping up, daffodils are opening and.

Fun Dating Questions To Find Out More About Your Countryside Match
Who doesn't love a first date? The opportunity to meet someone new, feel a spark and have some fun! But, after the initial flurry of questions if over and.

Valentine’s Day – Surviving 14 February When You’re A Countryside Single
No matter where you live, you can't escape Valentine's Day. Everywhere you turn (village shop, local pub, your local florist, even your post office) there.

Online Dating With Muddy Matches – What You Need To Know
Calling all countryside singles? Are you on the hunt for love? We definitely know that you are in the right place. Our Muddy Matches countryside dating site is.

Valentine’s Day – Your Countryside Dating Guide
February is here and, in the world of love, that can only mean one thing... Valentine's Day. Love it or loath it, it's impossible to avoid; shops full of.

Five Tips To Help You Meet Your Countryside Match
How is your 2020 countryside online dating journey going? If things have got off to a slower start than you'd like and making lasting connections with country.

Seven Signs Your Muddy Match Is Really Into You
Don't you love that feeling, when you've been dating for a while and feelings for another rural single start to develop. You start to think about your.

First Date Safety For Rural Singles
So, you've met a countryside single on Muddy Matches' online dating site and messages have been pinging back and forth for weeks (or maybe even months)..

Quick Date Ideas For Countryside Couples
Country life is chaotic. Full days of work, household chores, life admin, spending time with friends family and trying to squeeze in some time for exercise.

New Year Countryside Dating Resolutions
Where do you stand on the New Year's Resolutions question? Love them? Loath them? Make them but forget about them about a week or so? We like to take the big.