Love In The Countryside Articles

BBC 2 reality rural dating series Love in the Countryside returns to our TV screens and Muddy Matches team at UK's #1 country life dating website are excited

Setting Up Your Muddy Matches Profile – The Foolproof Guide
As the nights draw in, you may find that you have more time to think about love and dating. Meeting people who share your country lifestyle and love for the.

Why Muddy Matches Is A Great Place To Meet Country Singles – The Stats
Here at Muddy Matches we love the country life... plenty of time outside, weekends spent hiking through the open countryside, spending our free time visiting.

Six September Dating Ideas
September is here, the days are getting shorter and there is a little nip in the air. It's the perfect time to get online dating and connect with other rural.

Dating On A Budget
If money is tight but you want to enjoy a memorable date with your Muddy Match then we are here to help. Today we've gathered our favourite easy, fun and.

Hot Weather Date Ideas From Our Muddy Matches Members
Do you follow us on Facebook yet? Our Muddy Matches Facebook page is a fun community where we share top date inspiration, countryside lifestyle tips and much.

How To Write The Perfect Online Dating Message
Your search has finally paid off and you've found a Muddy Match you want to contact. So, you click on 'Message' but then your mind goes blank. What on earth.

Get To Know Your Muddy Match Better
First dates are tricky. You're a bag of nerves, your hands are shaking, what you mean to say and what you actually say are worlds apart... and trying to think.