Online Dating Articles

Online dating sounds pretty easy right? Choose your dating site (hello MuddyMatches.co.uk - the top countryside dating site for muddy-minded singles), create.

Online Dating Message Alternative Openings to ‘Hey’
Hey'. It's the standard conversation opener for text messages, Whatsapp notes, face to face interactions and everything in between. But what sort of.

Five Tips For A More Meaningful Online Dating Conversation
Online dating messaging with MuddyMatches.co.uk can be fun, exciting and intoxicating. But, on the other hand, you might be finding it hard work and we've all.

How To Boost Your Online Dating Profile For Winter
November is just around the corner, and we know that lots of you countryside singles are starting to think about your lives as winter approaches. Did you know.

How To Have A Positive Attitude For Muddy Matches Online Dating
Who ever said that love was easy? At MuddyMatches.co.uk we try to make your quest for love in the countryside as easy as possible; our dating site is full of.

Five Important Conversations To Have With Your Muddy Match
Dating is all about having fun. From the flutter of excitement before your first countryside date to the joy of getting to know someone better and falling in.

Get Yourself Out There – Nine Lesser Known Walks We Love
Summer is a wonderful time to #GetYourselfOutThere and enjoy the great outdoors. Walking, hiking, rambling are all wonderful ways to get closer to nature and.

What Details Should You Leave Out Of Your Online Dating Profile?
When you write your online dating profile on our countryside dating site, Muddy Matches, things tend to go one of two ways. Either you find it super-hard to.

Six Tips For A Successful Video Date
Have you heard? A video date is the new first date. So how can you make it a success? Let Muddy Matches show you how, and excel whether you're a techno-phobe.

Six Ways To Celebrate June The Muddy Way
Summer is here! And we could not be more delighted. Here at Muddy Matches HQ we can't wait to get outdoors and make the most of the long summer days, and.

Five Ways To Keep Your Rural Relationship Alive Through Lockdown
Here at Muddy Matches we know that some of you countryside daters were just getting to know your muddy match better before lockdown occurred. And we know that.