Online Dating Articles

Christmas is on the horizon, with twinkling lights, shops full of enticing gifts and carol concerts and pantos wherever you turn. If you have been messaging.

Seven Online Dating Terms You Need To Know
Did you know that online dating has a whole lexicon especially for finding love online? If you're going to find love in the countryside and navigate your.

Is It Time To Update Your Muddy Matches Dating Profile?
On Muddy Matches we often get asked about the best way to find other country-loving singles. We always advise that you keep an eye out for new rural members.

Seven Reasons To Try Online Dating With Muddy Matches
Calling all rural singles! If you love the countryside, are a farmer, or just have a passion for rural life, and are single, then we think that Muddy Matches.

Seven Spooky Date Ideas For Halloween
31 October is on its way and we all know what that means.... yep, that other thing, Halloween! Whether you love it or loathe it, Halloween is a great.

Keeping Your Personal Details Safe When You’re Online Dating
As well as priding ourselves on helping thousands of country lovers meet and find their muddy ever after, here at Muddy Matches we are proud to offer a safe.

Nine Romantic October Dates In The Countryside
What does October mean to you? The scent of autumnal leaves as they gently fall from the trees? Excitement at the thought of Halloween? Dread because Christmas.

Six Tips For Online Dating With Muddy Matches After Time Off
Coming back to dating, and online dating, after time off the scene can be overwhelming. Whether you've been in a long-term relationship, divorced or widowed,.

Seven Dating Dilemmas – And How To Tackle Them
Dating can be exciting, fun and full of promise. But at the same time, it can be confusing, upsetting and mind-boggling. There are so many potential pitfalls.

Setting Up Your Muddy Matches Profile – The Foolproof Guide
As the nights draw in, you may find that you have more time to think about love and dating. Meeting people who share your country lifestyle and love for the.

Why Muddy Matches Is A Great Place To Meet Country Singles – The Stats
Here at Muddy Matches we love the country life... plenty of time outside, weekends spent hiking through the open countryside, spending our free time visiting.