Successful Online Dating Articles

Over the years we've had the pleasure of hearing from thousands of happy couples who met via Muddy Matches - some sent success stories for us to publish,.

10 Point Date Checklist
fsvsv Memorise their name - Maybe people only forget their date's name if they're a character in a McDonald's advert, but if you're a little forgetful,.

How to Write an Opening Message
From 8th-14th of December 2014 we will be giving 10p per message that is sent on Muddy Matches to R.A.B.I., which will hopefully encourage people to be brave.

5 Great Reasons to Subscribe Today
Waiting could make you miss out - Our latest success story proves that waiting one more day could mean that you miss out on meeting the love of your life..

How to Stay Safe Online
We do our best to make sure that our members are safe on Muddy Matches, but there are things that you should bear in mind. Don’t try to sneak contact details.

Top 10 Online Dating Mistakes
Here are some of the most common mistakes people make when using online dating websites and how to avoid making the same mistakes yourself. Writing one line -.

The Benefits of Having a Premium Subscription
Recently we have heard from a few members who have met their other half thanks to our Premium Subscription, so we thought it would be a good idea to explain.

I’ll Do it Later…
You wouldn’t believe the amount of profiles that we receive that we have to send back because they say “I’ll fill this in later”. Make today the day.

You’re Never Too Old to Try Online Dating
I'm too old for all this online dating malarkey... is something we hear quite a lot and each time we say that it simply isn't true - there's no upper age.

Profile Updates You Should Make
Avoid seasonal references If you've written something along the lines of New Year, New attempt at online dating, it's a good idea to remove the reference..

Make ’em Laugh
This week the BBC shared the top Christmas jokes with the winning joke revealed as: What does Miley Cyrus have at Christmas? Twerky. OK, so you might not be.