Vet Claire unearths 5-star farmer love country life dating
Monday, March 14th, 2022

A Gloucestershire vet has awarded Muddy Matches a 5-star rating after falling knee deep in love with the match she unearthed whilst country life dating.
70% muddy Clare met husband-to-be Dan – a Cotswolds family farmer and game shooting fan – on Muddy Matches just days after joining in January 2019. They chatted online, exchanging over 150 messages in 40 days, before agreeing to a ‘cup of tea and a cake’ date in March.
A farmer’s daughter ‘through and through’, Claire had hoped to meet someone ‘who could literally, or figuratively, dig a ditch and restrain a cow’. Dan, with his interests in gamekeeping, fly fishing and ferreting, and his ‘mad passion for wildlife’ had all the right country credentials at 90% muddy.
“Muddy Matches worked for me. I’ve met someone really nice and made quite a few friends too” Claire reviewed. “We consider ourselves really lucky to have found each other. Despite the challenges the last two years have brought, Dan and I are getting married in May 2022 in a suitably rural setting.
The pair will become a muddy Mr and Mrs in a service held at their local church, and a reception on the estate where Claire’s parents farm. Plans are progressing nicely.
“We are only having a small do, but our day will be pretty agricultural.” Claire tells us. “My donkey is taking me to the church in the trap and the decorations are from the hedgerows and our gardens. Most of the guests are associated with agriculture or farmers.”
This really is a case of farmer love. And it was hearing of genuine farmer dating success that inspired Claire to test the waters ‘just for a few weeks’ online.
“I had previously been very averse to the idea of dating sites, but thought I’d give Muddy Matches a go after I had met a farmer-y family friend of my age at a Christmas event. He told me he had met his medic (now wife) on Muddy Matches.
“I concluded that if it could work for them, as a farmer and medic, it might work for me as a vet. Turns out it was worth a try, so I am glad I plucked up the courage.”
And bingo! Just like those recommending the original home of farmer dating to her, she too struck up a countryside connection with a fellow mud lover.
Trusted by genuine country singles, Muddy Matches has been the UK’s original home of farmer dating, country life love and rural romance, for over 15 years.
Attracting over ¾ million mud lovers from all walks of country life, each looking for love in the countryside, singles, often bonding over shared interests, lifestyle, and background.
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