Success Stories

I started last September e-mailing, then texting, shortly after talking and since December seeing a lovely man from Yorkshire! Have fallen in love.

I have met the man of my dreams on your website…
I have met the man of my dreams on your website, things are progressing very well in the relationship, hence cancelling my membership.

I have been seeing someone who is absolutely great and thanks for your fantastic web site…
Hi, Just to let you know that I have been seeing someone who is absolutely great and thanks for your fantastic web site

Thanks to your amazing site, I finally met the girl of my dreams…
Thanks to your amazing site, I finally met the girl of my dreams. We have just celebrated our 6 month anniversary and are about to move in together.

I’ve met someone through your site and its going great…
I've met someone through your site and its going great . Its been fun whilst on here and met a few nice people thanks for the web site

Met someone, thanks, brilliant site …
Met someone, thanks, brilliant site have mentioned it to single friends to give it a go.

I’ve met a great lady, and still cant believe it, we’re now moving in together…
Hi ya folks, firstly i'd like to say thank you for your site, i've met a great lady(or should i say, she met me ) and still cant believe it,

Have met a wonderfull girl on the site and been seeing her for a few months…
Have met a wonderfull girl on the site and been seeing her for a few months and all is going well ,keep up the good work