Success Stories

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed being on Muddy Matches and the pleasure it has brought me.

I have met some truly wonderful men from this website and think this time I might of found someone just perfect…
I must say what a wonderful website you have managed to set up and maintain. I have met some truly wonderful men from this website and think this time i might of found someone just perfect! I have spent a lot of time at work telling all the girls (and boys!) to join up to the delight of the single ladies who didnt know where to look! So big congratulations again!

We have just got engaged…
We wanted to write and let you know our very exciting news - Shamus and I met on your site about a year ago and we have just got engaged!

I have met the man of my dreams through your site…
I have met the man of my dreams through your site and no longer wish for my profile to be on here. Many thanks.

Met someone on here back in Feb and all going so far so good…
Met someone on here back in Feb and all going so far so good and remembered memebership due to expire around now so didnt want it to auto-renew*!! Have recommended the site to friends.

He is coming back to England this weekend to meet my parents…
Would just like to say thankyou to you for a great website as I have met someone through it !!! We have been dating for a month now and so far so good,things are going great he is actually coming back to England this weekend to meet my parents !! Thought it would be nice to let you know all your hard work pays off.

I have found a lovely man…
A big thank you to you guys! I have found a lovely man and so I am going to see how things work out!