I would like to thank you for your brilliant site. It has been a real support to know I could find like minded people when on a regular dating site I would.
Hi there, I met my man Paul through your site last June!! Pleased to report that all is going well and we are very happy together. Having realised that I.
I am e-mailing just to say a big thank you. I met the man of my dreams on your site February 2013. We both have had a wonderful year and we have so much in.
I met Brendan on Muddy Matches back in July and after a month of meeting up we have been inseparable! I couldn't have wanted any more from a relationship!.
I cannot believe I have met someone who is a perfect match for me. We have lots in common and both enjoy farming, which isn't always for everybody! I think.
I am delighted to say that I have met a great chap on Muddy Matches. I will let you know if it ends up in something really serious. The website is brilliant.
I went on this website for a bit of fun and not thinking I would actually meet someone that was so lovely and fun! But I have and we have been going out since.
Hi, Just thought I'd send you a quick message to say how great your site is!! I've tried others & they've always failed.....however yours has proved to.
I wanted to say what a breath of fresh air it was to use! It was very simple and uncomplicated, and it was lovely not to be barraged with ads and information.