Countryside Dating Articles

I've met a lovely man from Wiltshire who I met on Muddy Matches in August last year and we've just celebrated our 1st year anniversary of meeting each other

We have never looked back…
Andy and I met via MM in February 2010 since when we have never looked back. We did a year of the 'commuter' bit, him living in East Sussex and me in Surrey!

I have met someone really nice from this site…
Hi Muddy Matches I would like to cancel my membership as I met someone really nice from this site, thanks very much

Photos of Muddy Matches Couples from the Game Fair
We have just got back from the CLA Game Fair and were completely gobsmacked by the number of couples who came to say hello to us who had met on Muddy Matches. On the Friday and Saturday alone, about 65 couples came up to the stand to say that they had got married or engaged after meeting on the site, and some of them had even since had children!

I met my new partner on your site…
Just to say,thanks for the site,I met my new partner on your site and after both coming out of long term relationships we are surprised on how much we are alike

A perfect match…
I must be one of the lucky ones? I contacted a girl on my second day of membership and we have been going out ever since....a perfect match

I have now met my perfect partner…
From your excellent site, I have now met my perfect partner and have been together for over a year now. Couldn't be happier .. and I recommend your site to all my country single friends!

Had a hell of a lot of fun…
You guys have provided a cracking opportunity to meet some very interesting people and I've even managed to convince several of my friends to give it a shot too

So pleased I came on here…
Have met someone here on Muddy Matches, and are no longer looking for anyone! Thanks , so pleased I came on here

We have hit it off in a mindblowing fashion…
I have met someone amazing on your site. We have hit it off in a mindblowing fashion! We are extremely happy and will forever be in your debt!