Countryside Dating Articles

A widower with her heart in the Welsh countryside has joined Muddy Matches looking to unearth someone with the 'same zest for life'.

Muddy Matches works its magic for Welsh rural singles
Country couple reveal they “never would have met any other way than through Muddy Matches”

Mud lover unearths his ‘queen’ rural dating online
As a certain royal prince’s muddy roll around in the hay with a horsey type is world news, a rural single unearths his own ‘queen’ whilst rural dating.

World’s worst fisherman falls hook, line and sinker in love.
A man proclaiming to be the 'world's worst fisherman' on his dating profile proves to be a catch for his muddy match.

‘I’m glad I took the chance.’
Rural single turns to Trust Pilot to tell of her 'textbook' online dating experience that unearthed my Muddy Match.

Self confessed ‘boot snob’ falls knee deep in muddy love
Country couple, Russell and Ali set to wed six years after meeting online whilst rural dating with Muddy Matches.

Sarah finds her soulmate in sheep farmer, Derek.
Yorkshire single, Sarah hoped for that 'elusive spark' whilst online dating. She never expected to unearth a soulmate in muddy boots.

Edward flys the nest after unearthing ‘the one’
After country life dating on and off since 2008, mud lover Edward flies the nest with a new connection in tow.

Winnie’s arrival marks a year of muddy love
Trish and David met whilst online dating with Muddy Matches just over a year ago. Now they have a gundog together... that's commitment!

Flick & Ben marry after pheasant feeder proposal
My gamekeeping muddy match hid a bottle of champagne and glasses in a pheasant feeder, then proposed when I found it!

Sarah & Ben’s Muddy Ever After
"I was the crazy goat girl and he the agri engineer." Mud lovers tie the knot after meeting on Muddy Matches country life dating.