Muddy Matches Articles

Linda leaves the online dating nest with a new match in tow, having joined Muddy Matches at the start of the year.

‘I couldn’t be happier with my muddy match’ Susan (37)
Horse loving Norfolk single Susan finds New Year love with her sea-faring Suffolk muddy match, Andy.

Victoria lands her long term muddy soulmate.
Norfolk dog lover takes the lead on her love life and finds new romance after divorce.

Rachel marries her soulmate after 5 years of muddy dating
Rachel marries her muddy soulmate 5 years after matching him whilst countryside dating with us

Widower unearths his ‘perfect partner’ – Martin (54)
He loves country pubs, country walks, country shows. We hope Martins loves his new country couple too.

“Met someone on here, very good site.” Dan (37)
Surrey single finds his countryside connection after joining Muddy Matches in March 2023.

“I went looking for a 100% muddy man.” Joanna (55)
She wanted a 'best friend to enjoy nice dates with' but he had to be muddy.

Staffordshire farmer finds his Muddy Match – Andrew (56)
A love of country pubs and farming shows connects farmer Andrew to a match 'who can put up with country life'.

“Thank you very much, Muddy Matches” Alison (50)
After initial nerves about online dating, Alison (50) is ready to up sticks and move in with her new Muddy Match.

“My muddy match changed my life for the better”
Suffolk sheep farmer says she's 'so lucky' her farming Muddy Match remains the love of her life a decade after connecting online.

‘Love at first sight does exist’ on Muddy Matches
Do you believe in love at first sight? Norfolk nature lover Kate does after meeting her 'soulmate' on Muddy Matches.