Countryside Singles Articles

With the August weather hopefully blessing us with sunny and dry weather, the great outdoors calls for all of your countryside lovers looking to date this.

How To Break Up With Someone
It's that one conversation that is never easy.... breaking up is never easy I know, as Abba say. So, if you've been dating your muddy match for a while but.

Six Tips For A Healthy Relationship
Nothing makes us happier in the Muddy Matches office than when we receive stories of your Muddy Matched success stories. In fact, we love them so much that you.

How To Take A Better Online Dating Profile Photo
On Muddy Matches we know the importance of a great profile picture. Did you know that profiles with a picture get more click-throughs than those that don't?.

The Second Date Scoop
The second date. After the nerves and trepidation of the first date, a second date may seem like a breeze. After all, you know there's a spark and you've.

How To Dress To Impress
Stuck for what to wear on your date? Today's Muddy Matches blog post is for all you men out there who need a little helping hand in the fashion stakes when.

Six Second Date Ideas
At Muddy Matches we understand the importance of a first date - the chance to put a real person to the messages and online dating profile and the opportunity.

Hot Weather Date Ideas From Our Muddy Matches Members
Do you follow us on Facebook yet? Our Muddy Matches Facebook page is a fun community where we share top date inspiration, countryside lifestyle tips and much.

Keep Your Online Dating Enthusiasm Up!
Today's blog post is for all of you countryside singles out there who have been online dating with Muddy Matches for a while but who still haven't found.

How Muddy Are You Really?
Over the past ten years, Muddy Matches has brought together thousands of rural singles who have found love through online dating. But how muddy do you have to.