Dating Tips Articles

When a countryside single has caught your eye on Muddy Matches, our online dating site for rural lovers, the next, and very natural, step is to meet in real.

Muddy Matches Tips For A Confident Dating Experience
In life and love, being open and attractive is key to cultivating relationships and forming bonds. In today's countryside dating blog, we've got the-low down.

Five Essential Elements For A Romantic + Rural Picnic
The long, warm days of August call for lazy, romantic countryside dates. So, if you've made the most of lockdown and got online to find a country connection,.

What Details Should You Leave Out Of Your Online Dating Profile?
When you write your online dating profile on our countryside dating site, Muddy Matches, things tend to go one of two ways. Either you find it super-hard to.

How To Craft An Online Dating Message That Will Get A Response
When you find someone who catches your eye on MuddyMatches.co.uk, your very own needle in the haystack, if you will, the next step is to send an online dating.

Six Tips For A Successful Video Date
Have you heard? A video date is the new first date. So how can you make it a success? Let Muddy Matches show you how, and excel whether you're a techno-phobe.

Lessons From Lockdown For Muddy Matches Online Dating
What will you take forward from lockdown? For us, spending more time at home, having chance to get stuck into projects rather than just brush the surface, and.

Socially Distanced Gifting For Your Muddy Match
Over the past ten weeks, many of us have really realised what's important to us. From staying active and inspired by being in the countryside, to keeping up.

Five Ways To Keep Your Rural Relationship Alive Through Lockdown
Here at Muddy Matches we know that some of you countryside daters were just getting to know your muddy match better before lockdown occurred. And we know that.

Six Tips To Boost Your Online Dating Success With Muddy Matches
How long have you been online dating with Muddy Matches? A week? A month? A year? If you're still waiting to find a muddy match for more than just a roll in.

Eight Ways To Be Remotely Romantic
<p>We're into week six of lockdown, and is it just us or are the days merging into one? Here at Muddy Matches we're fully embracing working from home,.