Dating Tips Articles

Hands up if you don't want your dates to be a let-down? Yep, we thought so! Want to break the 'dinner date' mould and make your second date truly memorable?.

Six Date Ideas For Early May Bank Holiday
With Easter only just gone and the early May Bank Holiday already on the horizon, we're really being spoiled with extra free time this Spring. It's the.

What To Do After The First Date
Do you ever feel like life, and the world of dating, is a minefield of dos, donts and etiquette? Today on Muddy Matches we're looking at all-things to do with.

Would They Make A Good Partner?
Their online dating profile seems perfect: they share your love of the countryside and rural life, they're ready for a new relationship and conversation is.

Get To Know Your Muddy Match Better
First dates are tricky. You're a bag of nerves, your hands are shaking, what you mean to say and what you actually say are worlds apart... and trying to think.

Seven Outdoorsy Holidays For Countryside Lovers
With summer coming up and the promise of longer, warmer days it's time to start planning your holidays. When you're single it can be difficult to find.

How To Enjoy Online Dating
Online dating needn't be scary. Over the years it's become a more and more popular and successful way to meet a partner. Just take a look at our Muddy.

5 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Chances
upggp You don't make time for romance - You've dismissed online dating - You expect people to come to you - You're hung up on your ex You've not told.

Messaging Dos and Don’ts
Do send messages to people who have favourited you - Adding someone to your favourites list is the grown up way of pulling their hair in the playground. If.

What Your Profile Says About You
The short profile Hi, I'm Linda, 43, a nurse from Glasgow. I have three children, a dog and 2 cats. I don't like writing these kinds of things, so get in.

Great Dating Blog Awards Nominee
The Muddy Matches Dating Blog has been nominated for the Great Dating Blog awards in the category of Best Niche Dating Blog. The prestigious and independent.