Love In The Countryside Articles

9 Autumnal date ideas, ideal for countryside singles, that celebrate the changing seasons

Reasons cat lovers make purrrfect life partners
Why should dog owners have all the fun. We explore what cat ownership can tell us about a person’s character in a relationship.

10 reasons to fall hook, line and sinker for a fisherman
Falling hook, line and sinker in love with a fisherman can bring adventure, patience, and appreciation for nature into your life.

A really rural refresh of dating profile interests and hobbies
We've refreshed the list of over 160 really rural hobbies and interests that mud lovers can add to their dating profile.

How to move on to pastures new after dating rejection
5 real dating scenarios that can help you move on to pastures new after the emotional rollercoaster of rejection on, and offline.

Making more of your dating profile on Muddy Matches
This checklist of countryside things to feature can help you make more of your online dating profile on Muddy Matches

How To Overcome Dating Anxiety
Have you ever experience dating-related anxiety? You know the feelings we mean - a racing heart, inability to settle to anything, sweaty palms, and a sense of.

Are You Making An Online Dating Mistake?
Online dating sounds pretty easy right? Choose your dating site (hello MuddyMatches.co.uk - the top countryside dating site for muddy-minded singles), create.

Christmas Gifting For Your Muddy Match
Has Lockdown 2.0 given you more time on your hands? If so, why not take a leaf out of Muddy Matches HQ's books and use this extra time to get organised for.

Online Dating Message Alternative Openings to ‘Hey’
Hey'. It's the standard conversation opener for text messages, Whatsapp notes, face to face interactions and everything in between. But what sort of.

Five Tips For A More Meaningful Online Dating Conversation
Online dating messaging with MuddyMatches.co.uk can be fun, exciting and intoxicating. But, on the other hand, you might be finding it hard work and we've all.