Online Dating Articles

A recent survey conducted at Western Sydney University has shown that negative traits have more of an influence than positive traits when beginning a new.

Dating App Culture
You may have heard the news that dating apps are encouraging, how should we say this?... Promiscuity..

Where am I Going Wrong?
Dating success is dictated by two things - luck and self promotion. We can't help you with the luck side of things (if we did we'd be saving the world), but.

Complete Guide to Safe Online Dating
Online dating is no more unsafe than meeting someone in a pub, but it's worth taking a few steps to make sure that you are as safe as you can be. Choosing a.

Body Language to Impress Your Date
Body language is any form of communication that isn't verbal and it's very important to demonstrate positive body language when you meet up with someone who.

Dating with a Dog
It wouldn't take too many guesses to discover what the most popular pet is on Muddy Matches - that's right more people ticked the 'dog' box than any.

Dating Advice for Men and Women
In this day and age you might think that dating advice would be the same for men and women, but the gender divide is still important. Profile length Female -.

How to find ‘The One’
There are a number of reasons why people join online dating dates - whether it's to few fun dates with a like-minded person Find your niche If you're looking.

Things You Should Never do on a Date
When you're on a first date with someone, it's always best to play err on the side of caution when it to how you behave. Manners are very important and.

What Your Hobbies Say about You
One of the great things about joining a niche dating website is that you know that you'll meet people who have similar interests to you. Outdoorsy hobbies.

Why Should I Pay for Online Dating?
When there are lots of free dating websites available, you may be wondering why you should pay for an online dating service. Commitment Unfortunately there are.