Profile Advice Articles

ferfre Fill in your basic details honestly! It may be tempting to adjust certain details such as your age, height, or body type, but it lying will be a waste.

Polish Your Profile
Whether you've just completed your profile, or have had a dating profile online for a long time, it's always a good idea to give it a bit of a polish.

The Most Common Words in Dating Profiles
Using some clever computer jiggery Pokery, we scanned through all of the live dating profiles on Muddy Matches to find out what the most frequently mentioned.

What Your Profile Photos Say About You
Your Main Photo is the first thing that people will see when they see you online and it should be a good, clear photo of your head and shoulders. You also have.

Bank Holiday Profile Updates
A long walk in the sunshine may sound like the perfect way to spend Easter Monday, but Mother Nature has other plans. Storm Katie (which sounds more like an.

What to write on Your Dating Profile
xsf How would you describe yourself in one sentence? The first sentence of your profile might be all that someone sees, so it should act as a summary of who.

Flattering Photos
Your Main Photo is the first thing that anyone will see when they view your dating profile, so it's important to make sure that it is both accurate and.

New Year New You
The New Year is a time for change and your dating profiles should reflect the new you. Profile updates Take a look at your profile and make sure that.

5 Common Dating Mistakes
Using cliches in your profile No two profile texts should be the same because everyone is unique. However, there are phrases that come up time and time again.

Main Photo Success
It goes without saying that your profile photo is very important if you're looking to find a date, so it's also very important to get it right! Here are a.

Dating Profile Dos and Don’ts
Dating profiles Dos Keep it to Do tell people about your hobbies.