Profile Advice Articles

We see thousands of photos every week (it’s a hard life) and there are some that we see rather too many of… Bathroom photos I’ve added this one first as.

Reasons not to include children in your photos
We understand that if you have children, they are an important part of your life and, as such many parents are keen to include pictures of their children in.

Pets in Your Dating Profile
If there was a prize for the dating site with the most pet photos I think we’d win and frankly Muddy Matches HQ often resembles a petting zoo, so we’re not.

Be Proactive!
Be proactive, be proactive, be proactive! It's not just our customer care manager's catchphrase, it's also the most important piece of advice to follow when.

Top 10 Mistakes People Make on Dating Sites
Whether you join a niche site like Muddy Matches or a generic dating site, it’s important to avoid these common mistakes when online dating: Not uploading a.

How to Look Your Best in Photos
Adding a photo to your dating profile can drastically increase the amount of people who look at your photo and it will make you more likely to appear on the.

When is it Appropriate to Hide Your Profile?
We have recently had a number of enquiries about how people use the ‘hide my profile’ function on Muddy Matches. It got us to thinking about when you.

A Bottle of Wine and a DVD
From reading thousands of dating profiles, we have come to the conclusion that relaxing with a bottle of wine and a DVD is the nation’s favourite way to.

What to Write About Your Job on Your Profile
If you gather together a group of people who don’t know each, you can almost guarantee that it’ll be less than five minutes before the conversation turns.

What Your Hobbies Say About You
When it comes to filling in your online dating profile, don’t forget to select your favourite hobbies and explain a bit about what each of your key hobbies.

What Not to Reveal Online
The key to a good dating profile is to share with other people the key aspects of your life; for example your likes and dislikes, but it’s also important to.