Sandra & Andrew’s story of muddy love rekindled

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020


Muddy Reunited; A tale of rural love rekindled six years after first connecting on Muddy Matches.

Everyone enjoys a good tale of love found, love lost and then love rekindled again right? It’s a well-trodden path bought to life in every good rom com or romantic novel.

Well it was certainly the case for one Muddy Matched pair who got together as an official couple some 6 years after first meeting online, and for whom a number of life’s hurdles put a blossoming relationship on ice.

Sandra and Andrew met and messaged on Muddy Matches in 2010 and everything was going well until family arrangements and a herd of 50 beef cattle got in the way.

“I was a 40 something divorcee whose friends all had husbands and boyfriends. My routine was work-home-bed and I wondered how I was ever going to meet someone,” says Sandra, taking up the reins.

“I had never used an online dating website or dating app. What I had heard of the main ones I didn’t like and knew they were not for me. I did some searching online and found Muddy Matches.

”I tentatively popped a bio on, and it wasn’t long before i was in conversation with a guy from about 20 miles away from where I lived.”

Andrew was a beef farmer; 100% muddy and looking for someone to share rural life with.
“His bio stood out as being an honest, hardworking person with a love of all things muddy.” Sandra recalls.

Just the ticket then for the 60% muddy lass, who was looking for a second shot at her happy ever after.

“We hit it off straight away” she adds. “We met up for Sunday lunch in a pub and had several dates including taking a trip to Skomer Island in West Wales to see the puffins. We had so much in common and he had a great knowledge of fauna and flora and, of course, wildlife which I loved.”

Things were progressing at a fair canter – but then a farming lifestyle and a change in family circumstance blew them off course and the pair called it quits. A love lost.

“Andrew had the farm which took up his time, my spare time was taken up caring for my mum. We just couldn’t make a relationship work so called it a day and went our separate ways. We still kept in touch with the odd text and both went on to meet other people.”

Life went on.

Then six years later, situations changed.
Fortunes changed. An interest in each other hadn’t waned.

At the end of 2016, six years after their first meeting up, Sandra and Andrew decided to give it another go. Sometimes, some things are just meant to be.

Now Andrew has sold his house; Sandra has rented hers out and they are building life together on the farm in rural South Wales.

There’s no engagement ring or plans for marriage ‘yet!“ (Sandra is quick to stress) but things are going swimmingly.

“We have moved in full time along with our dogs & my cat. I love my man, my home and my lifestyle. I couldn’t be happier.” Sandra says.

“The muddiest thing we do together is mucking out and feeding 50 beef cattle daily. It’s taken me a few months to gain confidence with the cattle but now I love being around them.

“I am not from a farming background, but I help as much as I can.”

And as for Sandra’s one piece of advice for anyone taking the plunge into rural life with a significant other they match with on Muddy Matches?

“Be prepared to compromise and realise the farm/cattle will ALWAYS come first! It will change your life. It did mine.”

Forget that 60% status Sandra… that sounds like a fully formed 100% muddy to us.