Country Life Dating Articles

Joe awards us 5 stars on TrustPilot after he met and married his Muddy Match.

“With a love of dancing, we got on like a house on fire”
Welsh couple tie the knot in a rural wedding in which a rugby loving dairy farmer executes the Dirty Dancing lift!

“From the moment we met, it just felt right.”
When the bride arrives at church in a John Deere tractor you just know it's a muddy match!

“I thought her more interested in cross-country fences than me.”
How a first date at Burleigh Horse Trials proved the perfect common ground for a muddy matched couple

Lincolnshire horse lover lands her muddy match.
Lincolnshire lass joins Muddy Matches looking to match with someone 'to share life with’ after divorce - and does just that!

90% muddy single finds love in the countryside
Kim's hopes of connecting with a farmer are complete after landing her muddy match whilst countryside dating.

Sofi’s surprise Valentines message leads to marriage
How a full farmhouse english breakfast, vintage tractors and Shetland cows won Sofi's heart on Valentines Day.

Muddy comes up trumps for single, shy horsey girl
A single, shy horse lover in jodhpurs and a hay covered hoody swerved the usual dating apps for a more traditional approach to finding love.

World’s worst fisherman falls hook, line and sinker in love.
A man proclaiming to be the 'world's worst fisherman' on his dating profile proves to be a catch for his muddy match.

Self confessed ‘boot snob’ falls knee deep in muddy love
Country couple, Russell and Ali set to wed six years after meeting online whilst rural dating with Muddy Matches.

Green fingered Scottish single finds his match, down under.
Green fingered Scottish singleton finds his match 11,500 miles away in New Zealand... and it's all thanks to Muddy Matches.